Landasia’s 20th Anniversary

Nexus Real Estate Corp. (NREC) celebrated with Land Asia Global Property Network (LAGPN) on its 20th anniversary last October 20, 2012 at the Mariner’s Court in Cebu Port Area. The party started with cocktails wherein sponsor developers such as NREC were able to give out flyers and sales kits to the agents. The program proper started around 6:30pm with a grand parade of the Global Investment Directors together with Realtor Marissa and Ricardo Inting, the CEO and President of LAGPN, respectively.
A sumptuous dinner was served while the speakers where giving out there messages to the attendees. NREC was able to present its audio-visual presentation during the event as part of the program. During the inspirational message of Realtor Ric Inting, he envisioned that by 2020, LAGPN will have produced the first 1000 millionaires within the realty through the help of the partners in the industry especially the developers such as Nexus Real Estate Corp. Top sellers and top developers were also awarded during said event. Agents and developers alike mingled and celebrated the whole night for another milestone has been achieved by Land Asia Global Property Network.